Sidney-County Seat.      
p936 to 942 - Farmer's List      
Name                P. O.         Name                P. O.
Aacklin J C ........  Lodge Pole       Klee C P ...........  Sidney         
Abbott C H .........  Potter           Kline F M ..........  Colton         
Abbott W A .........  Potter           Klusman W ..........  Sidney         
Ackerman F .........  Garman           Kolburg L J ........  Ickes          
Adair F C ..........  Weyerts          Kollassa G R .......  Ickes          
Adams Bros .........  Midway           Krickac Andrew .....  Colton         
Adams C ............  Bayard           Kriz Anton .........  Lodge Pole     
Adams C M ..........  Potter           Krueger Wm .........  Colton         
Adams J M ..........  Potter           Kruger Carl ........  Lodge Pole     
Adamson Enos .......  Bayard           Kruger Richard .....  Colton         
Ahrend F C .........  Sidney           Krupecka Anton .....  Colton         
Ahrens Milton ......  Lodge Pole       Kruse E ............  Bronson        
Ahrens Wm ..........  Lodge Pole       Kruse John .........  Bronson        
Ahrendt H ..........  Weyerts          Kuena B C ..........  Lodge Pole     
Albe A J ...........  Cyrus            Kuhn Fred ..........  Sidney         
Allen E S ..........  Midway           Kulch Joseph .......  Lodge Pole     
Allen Geo ..........  Bronson          Kulp S N ...........  Ickes          
Allen John .........  Bronson          Kurken Oscar .......  Sidney         
Allen J B ..........  Midway           Kurth Fred .........  Colton         
Allen S L ..........  Redington        Kushmane G .........  Camp Clarke    
Allendor C .........  Cyrus            Kutis V ............  Lodge Pole     
Amneer J P .........  Midway                            
Anderson A .........  Potter           Lader S S ..........  Sidney         
Anderson A W .......  Camp Clarke      Ladine Gust ........  Ickes          
Anderson C V .......  Potter           Lafallete J N ......  Midway         
Anderson F .........  Bronson          Lafferty J F .......  redington      
Anderson H .........  Sidney           Lager Chas .........  Ickes          
Anderson H C .......  Sidney           Laing Bros .........  Redington      
Anderson J .........  Bronson          Laing S P & Bro ....  Cyrus          
Anderson N .........  Potter           Laing L L ..........  Camp Clarke    
Anderson Ole .......  Weyerts          Laing M T ..........  Camp Clarke    
Anderson O E .......  Potter           Laing Prince .......  Camp Clarke    
Anderson P .........  Redington        Lakeman F ..........  Bayard         
Andrews T ..........  Colton           Lamb A .............  ckes           
Ane D P ............  Midway           Lamb J L ...........  Midway         
Ane Harvey .........  Midway           Lamberson J ........  Redington      
Ankerman W .........  Camp Clarke      Lamour R P .........  Midway         
Aserest E ..........  Redington        Lamprey Walter .....  Redington      
Atkins A W .........  Midway           Lamprey Will .......  Redington      
Atkinson J C .......  Cyrus            Lancaster J P ......  Ickes          
Ayers W L ..........  Potter           Land G W ...........  Midway         
Ayers H R ..........  Weyerts          Lang Ben ...........  Redington      
Aylward C ..........  Garman           Lang J C ...........  Potter         
Aylward Jas ........  Garman           Lang R T ...........  Sidney         
Aylward John .......  Garman           Langer Franz .......  Midway         
Aylward Pat ........  Garman           Lape C A ...........  Midway         
                                       Lapes Frank ........  Colton         
Babb L .............  Sidney           Lape Freeman .......  Midway         
Babb H M ...........  Sidney           Larson Mads ........  Potter         
Babb S M ...........  Sidney           Larson Math ........  Potter         
Backman C J ........  Potter           Larson Nils ........  Potter         
Backstader E H .....  Sidney           Larson P L .........  Potter         
Bacome D F .........  Midway           Layde F ............  Ickes          
Bacome J W .........  Midway           Layde J L ..........  Ickes          
Bailey John ........  Potter           Lease A W ..........  Redington      
Ballah S J .........  Bayard           Ledvina J ..........  Colton         
Bandy H H ..........  Sidney           Ledwith E T ........  Midway         
Bauer Fred .........  Weyerts          Lee Thomas .........  Cyrus          
Baker John G .......  Sidney           Leedagh Jno ........  Midway         
Barickson D ........  Redington        Legrand W ..........  Redington      
Barlow L P .........  Lodge Pole       Lehman A ...........  Lodge Pole     
Barndt L O .........  Garman           Lehmkuhl F .........  Lodge Pole     
Barnbardt S ........  Midway           Leichty H F ........  Sidney         
Barrett Harry ......  Lodge Pole       Leichty J H ........  Sidney         
Barrett P H ........  Lodge Pole       Leith Jas ..........  Cyrus          
Bartlemny J ........  Sidney           Lemnier M ..........  Lodge Pole     
Bartling H .........  Colton           Lenden Peter .......  Garman         
Barthing Henry .....  Colton           Leiner F T .........  Sidney         
Basak A ............  Lodge Pole       Leiner Henry .......  Sidney         
Bateman J A ........  Weyerts          Leiner Herman ......  Sidney         
Bateman S ..........  Bayard           Leiner Herman jr ...  Weyerts        
Bates B J ..........  Lodge Pole       Leiman E T .........  Sidney         
Bates F C ..........  Lodge Pole       Leishman E .........  Cyrus          
Baungartel M .......  Weyerts          Leishman P .........  Cyrus          
Bawey Casie ........  Bayard           Leipska Jos ........  Redington      
Bawser E ...........  Lodge Pole       Leppich F A ........  Midway         
Bawser P ...........  Lodge Pole       Lepper Chas ........  Lodge Pole     
Beasley E ..........  Redington        Lester F M .........  Haynes         
Beasley J H ........  Redington        Letton J K .........  Bayard         
Beatty Henry .......  Colton           Lewis A J ..........  Ickes          
Beehler Geo ........  Colton           Libby H H ..........  Lodge Pole     
Beerline M .........  Camp Clarke      Lif Eric ...........  Weyerts        
Behrens E K ........  Lodge Pole       Lindberg A .........  Potter         
Belden J 0 .........  Redington        Lindell C A ........  Sidney         
Belden H E .........  Redington        Lindquist Peter ....  Colton         
Belden H H .........  Redington        Lingenfeltor A .....  Colton         
Bell Joseph ........  Lodge Pole       Lingenfelter Geo ...  Colton         
Bellander A ........  Potter           Lingenfelter J .....  Colton         
Bellander D ........  Potter           Lisco Wm ...........  Weyerts        
Bengston E .........  Potter           Logan C E ..........  Camp Clarke    
Benson P ...........  Colton           Lonquist L B .......  Bayard         
Beram T J ..........  Redington        Looney H M .........  Haynes         
Berg Frank .........  Potter           Love L F ...........  Garman         
Bergerson Bert .....  Weyerts          Love J H ...........  Garman         
Bergman Dan ........  Sidney           Lowe B M ...........  Redington      
Bergman J A ........  Potter           Lowry F ............  Redington      
Berling 0 M ........  Sidney           Lucas Joseph .......  Colton         
Bernhard H .........  Weyerts          Ludberg F R ........  Redington      
Berry F ............  Redington        Lundin C A .........  Potter         
Berry J H ..........  Redington        Lundock Jno ........  Potter         
Berry Thos .........  Redington        Lutis E C ..........  Ickes          
Besendorfer G ......  Lodge Pole       Lycan A B ..........  Camp Clarke    
Beshoos Chas .......  Garman           Lyhes W D ..........  Bronson        
Bewley Geo W .......  Sidney           Lyngholm N P .......  Bronson        
Bewlew O T .........  Sidney           Lyon O D ...........  Sidney         
Beynon Wm ..........  Sidney                            
Bill B C ...........  Lodge Pole       McCarter C .........  Camp Clarke    
Bill H O ...........  Lodge Pole       McCarthy F .........  Cyrus          
Bills Geo S ........  Lodge Pole       McCarthy M .........  Cyrus          
Birdwall J R .......  Potter           McClary R F ........  Midway         
Bishop H ...........  Sidney           McClure M E ........  Garman         
Bitting S ..........  Camp Clarke      McClure J C ........  Garman         
Bixber H ...........  Sidney           McCombs C M ........  Midway         
Bjorklund A 0 ......  Potter           McCombs J F ........  Midway         
Black F ............  Redington        McCombs Z H ........  Midway         
Blackman F A .......  Bayard           McConnoll R S ......  Midway         
Blades J H .........  Bayard           McCool Emanual .....  Garman         
Blain F G ..........  Sidney           McCool W C .........  Garman         
Blain M ............  Sidney           McCormick J B ......  Bronson        
Bless A D ..........  Camp Clarke      McCormick P J ......  Bronson        
Bliss A H ..........  Redington        McConaughy .........  Garman         
Bliss A K ..........  Redington        McCurdy W L ........  Sidney         
Bliss C L ..........  Redington        McDonald J A .......  Bayard         
Blumenthal H .......  Sidney           McDunnel J W .......  Sidney         
Boaz Martin ........  Midway           McElhaney Bert .....  Redington      
Bohlken Geo ........  Weyerts          McElhaney J R ......  Redington      
Bohlken Ruka .......  Weyerts          McGee Martin .......  Sidney         
Bohrends H .........  Weyerts          McGee Herm J .......  Sidney         
Bonholt C ..........  Redington        McGowan E C ........  Bayard         
Bonnor F E .........  Midway           McGowan J A ........  Bayard         
Boreson E ..........  Colton           McIntyre B D .......  Cyrus          
Boreson M ..........  Colton           McKee Luther .......  Sidney         
Boreson Ole ........  Colton           McKehney W .........  Camp Clarke    
Borgquist P R ......  Sidney           McKeeman J .........  Weyerts        
Booth E A ..........  Colton           McKinney B F .......  Midway         
Booth Firth ........  Lodge Pole       McLaughlin M .......  Colton         
Borden F H .........  Redington        McAdams W ..........  Potter         
Bordwell L H .......  Sidney           McMahon J ..........  Weyerts        
Borges Fred ........  Weyerts          McMakin J A ........  Lodge Pole     
Bowen W M ..........  Lodge Pole       McNulty James ......  Ickes          
Bower E E ..........  Garman           Mac M E ............  Bayard         
Bower S F ..........  Sidney           Magill Geo W .......  Garman         
Bowman A E .........  Sidney           Magill Mahlic ......  Garman         
Bowman S M .........  Weyerts          Mahr Nic ...........  Garman         
Boyd B F ...........  Lodge Pole       Maier Cris .........  Potter         
Boyd C .............  Lodge Pole       Maier H ............  Potter         
Boyd James C .......  Potter           Main E P ...........  Ickes          
Boyer John .........  Camp Clarke      Malone B J .........  Weyerts        
Boyer J H ..........  Camp Clarke      Margesson Bros .....  Wellsville     
Boyer M S ..........  Camp Clarke      Marrow W R .........  Ickes          
Boyer Wm ...........  Sidney           Marshall B .........  Sidney         
Bozartte F .........  Camp Clarke      Mathews M ..........  Bronson        
Bracken E L ........  Potter           Mathews N ..........  Camp Clarke    
Bracken T W ........  Potter           Mattson Swan .......  Sidney         
Bracken W D ........  Potter           Maueely W J ........  Sidney         
Bracken W W ........  Potter           Mauer George .......  Lodge Pole     
Braig J ............  Sidney           Mauer J C ..........  Lodge Pole     
Braig M ............  Sidney           Maulter J L ........  Bayard         
Brakehage Wm .......  Colton           Maxwell J J ........  Redington      
Bram Chas ..........  Camp Clarke      Meak J W ...........  Haynes         
Bram M J ...........  Camp Clarke      Meddendorf H .......  Potter         
Bratt E ............  Potter           Medlin Jno .........  Camp Clark     
Bratt G ............  Potter           Meglenure M J ......  Midway         
Bratt John .........  Camp Clarke      Meliar Wm ..........  Haynes         
Bratz F ............  Sidney           Mely Calvin ........  Redington      
Brayton Jno ........  Potter           Menefee G W ........  Potter         
Brennan B ..........  Sidney           Menishen W J .......  Redington      
Briley Lewis .......  Potter           Menshall Wm ........  Lodge Pole     
Brion Wash .........  Colton           Merrill Esbon ......  Colton         
Brobert J H ........  Sidney           Merryfield Mary ....  Sidney         
Brockaway H C ......  Sidney           Messerley J E ......  Sidney         
Brookhart M ........  Sidney           Meyer M L ..........  Sidney         
Brooks A W .........  Sidney           Mika Wm ............  Lodge Pole     
Brooks Giles N .....  Sidney           Miller E ...........  Weyerts        
Brooks Philo .......  Sidney           Miller H C .........  Sidney         
Broughton J ........  Redington        Miller H G .........  Sidney         
Broughton 0 ........  Redington        Miller Joseph ......  Camp Clarke    
Brown D J ..........  Redington        Miller Levi ........  Weyerts        
Brown H C ..........  Camp Clarke      Miller M H .........  Sidney         
Brown I J ..........  Sidney           Miller Oliver ......  Weyerts        
Brown M E ..........  Sidney           Miller Spen ........  Redington      
Brown Wm ...........  Lodge Pole       Millis G B .........  Bayard         
Brown W J ..........  Sidney           Mills W J ..........  Bayard         
Brubaker R S .......  Sidney           Millthorpe W C .....  Sidney         
Bruebaker J D ......  Sidney           Mitchell B F .......  Midway         
Bruner J B .........  Sidney           Mittlesteadt C .....  Lodge Pole     
Bruns Geo ..........  Sidney           Mittlestaedt T G ...  Lodge Pole     
Brusacker J ........  Sidney           Moburg And .........  Camp Clarke    
Brutton C E ........  Sidney           Mock L .............  Lodge Pole     
Buck E C ...........  Lodge Pole       Moffit J S .........  Sidney         
Buck M B ...........  Lodge Pole       Montgomery E .......  Weyerts        
Bue A O ............  Bayard           Montgomery I T .....  Bayard         
Buhrmeister C ......  Sidney           Mooney W H .........  Colton         
Bullard Martin .....  Camp Clark       Moore A E ..........  Bronson        
Bullock W C ........  Lodge Pole       Moore C A ..........  Sidney         
Bunst A ............  Potter           Moore Gus H ........  Sidney         
Bunta Geo ..........  Colton           Moreland G F .......  Midway         
Burk Geo ...........  Bayard           Morrison D .........  Bronson        
Burk Jno ...........  Potter           Mosshammer M .......  Redington      
Burk T B ...........  Bayard           Mowry H B ..........  Bronson        
Burke Albin ........  Bayard           Murers John ........  Potter         
Burnap I G .........  Lodge Pole       Murock G ...........  Midway         
Burns Jacob ........  Lodge Pole       Murdock H ..........  Redington      
Burnett C ..........  Bayard           Murdock J L ........  Redington      
Burnett J A ........  Bayard           Murphy R ...........  Midway         
Burnett S D ........  Bayard           Murphy T ...........  Garman         
Burrows Thos .......  Sidney           Musheid E ..........  Bronson        
Burton C A .........  Garman           Musheld P ..........  Bronson        
Buss A .............  Lodge Pole       Myer Herman ........  Lodge Pole     
Buss Bernhard ......  Weyerts                           
Busse F ............  Lodge Pole       Nall John ..........  Redington      
Busse F W ..........  Lodge Pole       Nalte Henry ........  Sidney         
Butler A L .........  Potter           Nanneth Fred .......  Lodge Pole     
Bybee D L ..........  Redington        Nash M L ...........  Lodge Pole     
Byers K C ..........  Potter           Necross J A ........  Midway         
Byrd B J ...........  Sidney           Neely Alonzo .......  Midway         
                                       Nelander J P .......  Lodge Pole     
Caldwell Bros ......  Ickes            Nelson A ...........  Potter         
Caldwell E .........  Bronson          Nelson C C .........  Midway         
Caldwell M .........  Lodge Pole       Nelson Joe W .......  Sidney         
Cale Jessie B ......  Midway           Nelson N P .........  Potter         
Calman John ........  Weyerts          Nelson O ...........  Potter         
Cahill J D .........  Redington        Nelson P ...........  Potter         
Calvert Noah .......  Sidney           Nelson Swan ........  Potter         
Camblin G H ........  Sidney           Nesland P ..........  Midway         
Campton A M ........  Redington        Newcomer D .........  Potter         
Cape Martin ........  Potter           Newell C A .........  Colton         
Capran A M .........  Midway           Newell C H .........  Potter         
Carley John ........  Sidney           Newell L A .........  Potter         
Carlson C J ........  Potter           Newley R ...........  Sidney         
Carlson Ernst ......  Potter           Newman H ...........  Lodge Pole     
Carlson John .......  Potter           Nichol Adam ........  Sidney         
Carlson J ..........  Potter           Nielson N C ........  Potter         
Carpenter E E ......  Lodge Pole       Nienhiser W ........  Sidney         
Carrier E A ........  Midway           Nilense Henry ......  Redington      
Carson Asher .......  Cyrus            Nokes E P ..........  Colton         
Carson J R .........  Sidney           Norfork F M ........  Garman         
Cary Wm ............  Colton           North S W ..........  Midway         
Catsor Isaac .......  Camp Clarke      North L R ..........  Midway         
Cauch W C ..........  Sidney           Nunn Bros ..........  Redington      
Cautler S ..........  Redington        Nunn E H ...........  Redington      
Caulter Josiah .....  Redington        Nunn J H ...........  Redington      
Caulter W ..........  Redington                         
Cavalle J ..........  Potter           Oberfelder R S .....  Sidney         
Cawley Jno .........  Colton           Obermyer G .........  Lodge Pole     
Cawley J B .........  Colton           O'Halleran J .......  Bayard         
Cay J G ............  Redington        Olaf Pierson .......  Bronson        
Chambers C P .......  Colton           Olander E ..........  Potter         
Champan C ..........  Redington        Oldershaw Jno ......  Sidney         
Chase A B ..........  Sidney           Oliver J W .........  Redington      
Chase B W ..........  Sidney           Oliver J W jr ......  Redington      
Chase Hazen ........  Redington        Olmstead R C .......  Colton         
Cheney R D .........  Camp Clarke      Olson A ............  Potter         
Childers J C .......  Coulton          Olson A W ..........  Potter         
Chlowber A .........  Colton           Olson Isaac ........  Lodge Pole     
Christian H C ......  Sidney           Osborn C J .........  Sidney         
Christman N ........  Potter           Osborne E W ........  Bayard         
Claker John ........  Bayard           Osborne S H ........  Bayard         
Clark Chas .........  Redington        Osgood C P .........  Bronson        
Clark H T ..........  Midway           Ottoman C ..........  Sidney         
Clarke H E .........  Midway           Owens S M ..........  Redington      
Clarke John ........  Camp Clarke                       
Claypool W D .......  Redington        Paben Eke ..........  Sidney         
Clements Geo S .....  Colton           Paben T J ..........  Weyerts        
Cline J S ..........  Colton           Palen C R ..........  Haynes         
Clossman J C .......  Colton           Palenburg Neils ....  Ickes          
Clossman L T .......  Colton           Pall P E ...........  Garman         
Cloud J ............  Potter           Pallenger D ........  Weyerts        
Clough L O .........  Sidney           Palmer J A .........  Redington      
Clough P G .........  Sidney           Palmer J E .........  Colton         
Clucane Jas ........  Colton           Panark N O .........  Redington      
Clute E W ..........  Potter           Panell Henry .......  Ickes          
Clyde Geo ..........  Potter           Panell H J .........  Sidney         
Cochrane D A .......  Potter           Panell Thos ........  Ickes          
Collins D W ........  Redington        Pantenburg J .......  Colton         
Collins Ed .........  Garman           Pappen Frank .......  Sidney         
Collins James ......  Garman           Parker H ...........  Lodge Pole     
Collins R L ........  Sidney           Pasek Jas ..........  Colton         
Coming C W .........  Potter           Pameray J C ........  Ickes          
Comstock F A .......  Camp Clarke      Pawlas John ........  Lodge Pole     
Cook Alonzo ........  Lodge Pole       Pock M V ...........  Garman         
Cook G B ...........  Lodge Pole       Peckerell C B ......  Redington      
Cook G S ...........  Lodge Pole       Peckerill L F ......  Redington      
Cook J B ...........  Redington        Pederson N .........  Potter         
Cooper J C .........  Redington        Pierce Jno .........  Lodge Pole     
Cormich J ..........  Cyrus            Peppin J E .........  Potter         
Cosner W H .........  Cyrus            Perditwitz E J .....  Sidney         
Coulter D M ........  Midway           Perkins Byron ......  Redington      
Coulter J M ........  Midway           Perkins C ..........  Redington      
Coulter H M ........  Midway           Perkins J J ........  Redington      
Countryman Noah ....  Garman           Perrine S W ........  Weyerts        
Court Willis .......  Weyerts          Perry L A ..........  Midway         
Covalt J ...........  Midway           Perso Otto .........  Ickes          
Cox John A .........  Camp Clarke      Peters Aug .........  Lodge Polo     
Cox L ..............  Garman           Peters G J .........  Lodge Pole     
Cradet V ...........  Redington        Peters John ........  Weyerts        
Cramer E H .........  Midway           Peterson J .........  Potter         
Cramer Fred ........  Weyerts          Peterson J E .......  Bronson        
Cramer P M .........  Midway           Peterson F P .......  Lodge Pole     
Crane E B ..........  Lodge Pole       Petteys R E ........  Lodge Pole     
Crane John F .......  Lodge Pole       Petz John ..........  Garman         
Crawford J J .......  Sidney           Phelps Ensley ......  Colton         
Crigler E S ........  Redington        Phillips F E .......  Cyrus          
Crittenden J R .....  Cyrus            Pickerill W G ......  Redington      
Crouling H .........  Sidney           Pitts L G ..........  Potter         
Cross J J ..........  Bronson          Planck Emory .......  Colton         
Crotty J A .........  Weyerts          Pochop John ........  Colton         
Cuddy J J ..........  Sidney           Polasek J Felix ....  Colton         
Culp D M ...........  Garman           Pool Sydney ........  Weyerts        
Cundiff A A ........  Sidney           Porker A L .........  Bayard         
Cunningham G H .....  Potter           Porter Chas ........  Cyrus          
Curti L ............  Sidney           Povlat Jno .........  Lodge Pole     
                                       Powel J G ..........  Bayard         
Dabald L E .........  Camp Clarke      Powel S ............  Bayard         
Dake Allin M .......  Haynes           Pomroy E V S .......  Bronson        
Dalton P ...........  Bronson          Price Fred .........  Bronson        
Damke John F .......  Lodge Pole       Proschaska Jas .....  Colton         
Damemann Jno .......  Lodge Pole       Pullin Viola .......  Bayard         
Daugherty James ....  Cyrus            Pullin Wm ..........  Bayard         
Daugherty J ........  Potter           Pullman H ..........  Weyerts        
Davidson F .........  Bronson          Pultz August .......  Bronson        
Davis A ............  Redington        Puppets Fred .......  Sidney         
Davis H J ..........  Midway           Pusey Ben ..........  Camp Clarke    
Davis J H ..........  Bayard           Putman F H .........  Midway         
Davis Ross .........  Redington                         
Davis S D ..........  Midway           Quand T Julius .....  Sidney         
Davis William ......  Midway           Quait Wm ...........  Lodge Pole     
Davis W J ..........  Midway           Quasdorf J .........  Redington      
Davison J ..........  Ickes            Quinn Geo ..........  Sidney         
Deal Sarah .........  Lodge Pole       Quinn Thos .........  Bronson        
Deameger J L .......  Redington                         
De Brunner M .......  Lodge Pole       Radcliff M .........  Weyerts        
Decker Henry .......  Colton           Raie Fred ..........  Lodge Pole     
Decker Louis .......  Colton           rambo D C ..........  Garman         
Deets A B ..........  Sidney           Rambo Noah .........  Garman         
Degraw Geo .........  Ickes            Ramsburg J .........  Midway         
Delano J H .........  Camp Clarke      Ranan F A ..........  Sidney         
Delter A B .........  Sldney           Rappen Hann ........  Sidney         
Denson B D .........  Redington        Raver W ............  Sidney         
Detrick Swan .......  Lodge Pole       Rayer F C ..........  Sidney         
Detton J O .........  Redington        Raymond R O ........  Ickes          
Devault H P ........  Bayard           Reed Jeff ..........  Redington      
Dewel J P ..........  Bayard           Reiley R ...........  Camp Clarke    
Dewel W H ..........  Bayard           Reimer Geo .........  Lodge Pole     
Dlxon A R ..........  Camp Clarke      Relmer Jno .........  Lodge Pole     
Dixon R H ..........  Bayard           Reimers Aug ........  Lodge Pole     
Dickinson F ........  Lodge Pole       Reiss Adam .........  Ickes          
Doan Isaac .........  Weyerts          Rennels Joseph .....  Sydney         
Doescher J C .......  Weyerts          Renolds J J ........  Redington      
Donaldson J ........  Bayard           Rezimna Frank ......  Sidney         
Doomeer Henry ......  Sidney           Rhoads J M .........  Midway         
Doomeer & Teeter ...  Sidney           Rhul T H ...........  Sidney         
Doran E ............  Redington        Rice F L ...........  Redington      
Douglas Wm .........  Lodge Pole       Rice S T ...........  Lodge Pole     
Downer J ...........  Redington        Rice Wm ............  Sidney         
Dresser F ..........  Bronson          Richards J J .......  Weyerts        
Dresser O H ........  Bronson          Richards N .........  Weyerts        
Drought H D ........  Sidney           Richards W H .......  Sidney         
Drummond A W .......  Midway           Robbin D C .........  Lodge Pole     
Drummond W C .......  Midway           Robbin Wm ..........  Lodge Pole     
Duell August .......  Lodge Pole       Roberts Nanl .......  Bayard         
Dugger Thos ........  Redington        Roberts Will .......  Bayard         
Dugger W A .........  Redington        Robertson E A ......  Bronson        
Dugger W C .........  Midway           Robison O W ........  Camp Clarke    
Dunfee John ........  Midway           Rodgers G T ........  Weyerts        
Dunfee Willert .....  Midway           Rodgers J T ........  Midway         
Dunham J W .........  Redington        Rodgers J W ........  Midway         
Dunn Pat ...........  Camp Clarke      Rogers A D .........  Midway         
Dunsmore W F .......  Weyerts          Rogers E B .........  Colton         
Duppy James ........  Redington        Roth R .............  Sidney         
Durkee D C .........  Weyerts          Roush Chas .........  Sidney         
Durnal J C .........  Camp Clarke      Ruhter Geo H .......  Ickes          
Durnal R F .........  Redington        Ryan J F ...........  Lodge Pole     
Dutt A S ...........  Midway                            
Dye J F ............  Potter           Saall Jas ..........  Sidney         
Dykman H ...........  Lodge Pole       Sabirl E ...........  Sidney         
Dykman J ...........  Lodge Pole       Sacht J H ..........  Bayard         
Dykman K ...........  Lodge Pole       Sager E T ..........  Colton         
                                       Salamonson A .......  Sidney         
Eaton W N ..........  Sidney           Salt J C ...........  Garman         
Eberhardt Jno ......  Colton           Sammons T ..........  Redington      
Eckel H C ..........  Potter           Sanders J E ........  Iches          
Eckel O L ..........  Potter           Sanderson D ........  Ickes          
Ecker Jacob ........  Ickes            Sanderson P ........  Ickes          
Eckert John ........  Ickes            Sanduer F ..........  Sidney         
Eddieman Joe .......  Camp Clarke      Sasek Frank ........  Colton         
Edner Nels .........  Potter           Sauth A G ..........  Potter         
Egar John ..........  Sidney           Sauard Geo W .......  Redington      
Eisile Theodore ....  Sidney           Schaunka A .........  Lodge Pole     
Elliott F ..........  Camp Clarke      Schad Jas ..........  Colton         
Elliott Frank ......  Midway           Schafer Carol ......  Sidney         
Elliott J S ........  Sidney           Scherer E ..........  Sidney         
Ellison Asa ........  Bronson          Scherer John .......  Sidney         
Ellquist Amos ......  Potter           Scherer J H ........  Sydney         
Elmke Henry ........  Sidney           Schmideberg E F ....  Lodge Pole     
Elsass M ...........  Camp Clarke      Schmidt G ..........  Sidney         
Elter B ............  Lodge Pole       Schneider R ........  Lodge Pole     
Elter Geo ..........  Lodge Pole       Schuler W ..........  Sidney         
Elter Wm ...........  Lodge Pole       Schumka A ..........  Colton         
Emanuelson R A .....  Weyerts          Schrader C F .......  Midway         
Emerson T ..........  Bronson          Scott James T ......  Bronson        
Emmet Jas ..........  Camp Clarke      Seabrock Paul ......  Bayard         
Englert Adolph .....  Lodge Pole       Sears B V ..........  Camp Clarke    
Engstrom J .........  Potter           Seckler G R ........  Redington      
Ennis L R ..........  Camp Clarke      Seda Geo ...........  Colton         
Epps Thomas ........  Ickes            Seda Wesley ........  Colton         
Erickson A .........  Potter           Sedam Nicholas .....  Ickes          
Erickson Aug .......  Ickes            Segesmond O P ......  Bayard         
Erickson C .........  Potter           Semple James .......  Sidney         
Erickson Chas ......  Potter           Sendt Julius .......  Potter         
Erickson E E .......  Potter           Sesler Chas ........  Camp Clarke    
Erickson Gust ......  Potter           Sweet E J ..........  Sidney         
Ericksen P .........  Potter           Seyfung G ..........  Potter         
Erkenbeck J W ......  Midway           Shamas Ann .........  Bayard         
Estur Philip .......  Haynes           Shanahan J .........  Bronson        
Etter S C ..........  Garman           Shank F ............  Lodge Pole     
Eusley Chas ........  Redington        Sharp M B ..........  Weyerts        
Evens James ........  Potter           Sharrel Jno ........  Lodge Pole     
Ewer A 0 ...........  Cyrus            Shaw A .............  Haynes         
Ewen Geo ...........  Sidney           Shay A D ...........  Midway         
                                       Sheaffer S .........  Potter         
Facht H A ..........  Sidney           Shedler T ..........  Colton         
Fairbrother C ......  Bayard           Sheldon E W ........  Midway         
Farkerts Jurgen ....  Lodge Pole       Sheldon Geo ........  Midway         
Fausher W R ........  Weyerts          Shenker John .......  Ickes          
Fauzen John ........  Sidney           Shepherd L .........  Sidney         
Faucett G W ........  Lodge Pole       Shilds W H .........  Midway         
Faucus Robt ........  Camp Clarke      Shinger J M ........  Sidney         
Feistner Otto ......  Colton           Shoemaker Wm .......  Redington      
Felix James ........  Camp Clarke      Shonquist N B ......  Haynes         
Felt L H ...........  Midway           Shrers Geo .........  Bronson        
Fenske E ...........  Lodge Pole       Shroder L ..........  Sidney         
Ferestone M ........  Potter           Shuder E B .........  Cyrus          
Fernold I N ........  Cyrus            Shutts D ...........  Redington      
Finke John .........  Sidney           Shute J H ..........  Camp Clarke    
Feim Bros ..........  Midway           Sinks Jno ..........  Lodge Pole     
Finer James ........  Sidney           Simms Wm ...........  Ickes          
Fisher Alfred ......  Garman           Sixberry C M .......  Redington      
Fisher Geo C .......  Garman           Skinner E C ........  Weyerts        
Fisher John P ......  Garman           Slawson H P ........  Lodge Pole     
Fisk Hiram .........  Weyerts          Slenghiff J N ......  Sidney         
Fitch Chas .........  Sidney           Sliter Wm ..........  Redington      
Fitch F S ..........  Lodge Pole       Smart Wm ...........  Ickes          
Fitch N M ..........  Lodge Pole       Smith A G ..........  Potter         
Flesher L G ........  Potter           Smith C J ..........  Midway         
Flinn James ........  Colton           Smith E S H ........  Lodge Pole     
Flocka Wm ..........  Weyerts          Smith F L ..........  Potter         
Floyd J S ..........  Lodge Pole       Smith H A ..........  Lodge Pole     
Flynn H ............  Colton           Smith H M ..........  Sidney         
Foley T J ..........  Colton           Smith H P ..........  Sidney         
Folkerts Gerd J ....  Weyerts          Smith John .........  Garman         
Folkerts H E .......  Weyerts          Smith Lock .........  Ickes          
Folkerts Jno .......  Weyerts          Smith M D ..........  Lodge Pole     
Folkerts P J .......  Weyerts          Smith O L ..........  Garman         
Forster Jno ........  Cyrus            Smith Pe er ........  Sidney         
Foster J H .........  Potter           Smith Soloman ......  Sidney         
Fowler S O .........  Redington        Smith Stephen ......  Bayard         
Fox Jacob ..........  Colton           Smith Wm ...........  Lodge Pole     
Frame Albert .......  Lodge Pole       Snyder A T .........  Sidney         
Frame G G ..........  Sidney           Snyder D R .........  Sidney         
Fravert G B ........  Potter           Snyder John ........  Bronson        
Freeland Fred H ....  Cyrus            Spangler P .........  Sidney         
Frerich H W ........  Sidney           Specknall J H ......  Sidney         
Frerichs J .........  Sidney           Spencer E G M ......  Lodge Pole     
Frericks W .........  Weyerts          Spencer E R ........  Bayard         
Fritz Joseph .......  Ickes            Spencer P J ........  Sidney         
Fullerton M L ......  Cyrus            Spencer Wm .........  Bronson        
Furgison W .........  Sidney           Spendler Jennie ....  Weyerts        
Fusha Balt .........  Lodge Pole       Spinner E M ........  Redington      
Fusha Jack .........  Lodge Pole       Sprague D ..........  Weyerts        
Fusha M F ..........  Lodge Pole       Stafford J D .......  Redington      
                                       Stagleman Jno ......  Weyerts        
Gabelman Val .......  Ickes            Stanard P ..........  Weyerts        
Gaber H A ..........  Sidney           Stanes E M .........  Bayard         
Gale Grant .........  Lodge Pole       Stanton L A ........  Potter         
Gaines A M .........  Ickes            St Clair C .........  Colton         
Galletin Jacob .....  Bayard           St Clair W I .......  Colton         
Galletin Levi ......  Bayard           Stevens E M ........  Bayard         
Games H L ..........  Ickes            Steker Conrad ......  Sidney         
Gansham Dan ........  Garman           Stetson Raymond ....  Bronson        
Ganson L A .........  Lodge Pole       Stevens Carol ......  Sidney         
Garman E P .........  Garman           Stevens D ..........  Sidney         
Garrells Jno .......  Weyerts          Stevens E R ........  Colton         
Garside J F ........  Lodge Pole       Stevens Hamm .......  Midway         
Gary W K ...........  Sidney           Stevens R ..........  Sidney         
Gast Geo M .........  Weyerts          Stewart Cyrus ......  Sidney         
Gates Wm ...........  Garman           Stickney J J .......  Lodge Pole     
Gattstein A ........  Lodge Pole       Stitch A S .........  Bayard         
Gault L A ..........  Ickes            Stillwill Wm .......  Midway         
Geedy Chas .........  Sidney           Stuka Albert .......  Colton         
Geiss Fred .........  Ickes            Stoser V A .........  Colton         
Geltemy E ..........  Potter           Stoser scott .......  Colton         
Gentry P Z .........  Colton           Strang W A .........  Redington      
Gerhart P J ........  Lodge Pole       Strife M C .........  Lodge Pole     
Gerhart W H ........  Lodge Pole       Stucker B C ........  Haynes         
Germann Chas .......  Sidney           Stuht Wm ...........  Sidney         
Gertsen L C ........  Redington        Stundbert J ........  Potter         
Gibbens G W ........  Bronson          Suavely J R ........  Sidney         
Gice Steinman ......  Cyrus            Sukavaty J .........  Colton         
Gilchrist & Stocking  Cyrus            Sumiller C .........  Redington      
Gillispe John ......  Sidney           Summons Jno ........  Lodge Pole     
Gillman R ..........  Midway           Summer W ...........  Bayard         
Gilman Byron .......  Redington        Sutherland C .......  Cyrus          
Glenn J G ..........  Lodge Pole       Swanger Ramson .....  Midway         
Gobberman C ........  Sidney           Swanholt W .........  Sidney         
Godenaugh A L ......  Cyrus            Swanson C ..........  Sidney         
Gocenlee A K .......  Sidney           Swanson C E ........  Potter         
Gorman E O .........  Colton           Swanson S ..........  Sidney         
Graham A B .........  Haynes           Swift G A ..........  Lodge Pole     
Graham W ...........  Potter                            
Graham J E .........  Camp Clarke      Taggart L ..........  Sidney         
Graham Robt ........  Cyrus            Talle Rector .......  Camp Clarke    
Grass T ............  Lodge Pole       tampson A ..........  Sidney         
Greaser C ..........  Lodge Pole       Tampson M ..........  Sidney         
Green Jas W ........  Sidney           Tanger F ...........  Lodge Pole     
Green L H ..........  Sidney           Taplin B ...........  Potter         
Green R H ..........  Sidney           Tappan Jno .........  Lodge Pole     
Green R S ..........  Haynes           Tarble Fred ........  Camp Clarke    
Greiff A ...........  Lodge Pole       Taylor Douglas .....  Sidney         
Greiff W ...........  Lodge Pole       Taylor Eugene ......  Midway         
Griffith Jno .......  Lodge Pole       Taylor Julia .......  Redington      
Griswald B M .......  Midway           Taylor L J .........  Sidney         
Gunder G B .........  Garman           Taylor Wilson ......  Sidney         
Gunderson A ........  Potter           Tawanson J F .......  Haynes         
Gunderson G ........  Ickes            Teagarden A ........  Sidney         
Gueil Herman .......  Midway           Tehrault A .........  Camp Clarke    
Gutherie Jno .......  Ickes            Tembral J C ........  Colton         
Gutherie N F .......  Ickes            Tenshy G H .........  Redington      
                                       Tensley T W ........  Redington      
Haas Chas ..........  Ickes            Teshue L ...........  Sidney         
Habben Ben .........  Sidney           Teske Carl .........  Weyerts        
Habben Henry .......  Sidney           Thalken J H ........  Midway         
Habben Ralf ........  Sidney           Thomas R W .........  Bronson        
Hacker L E .........  Midway           Thomas T R .........  Redington      
Hagerty And ........  Camp Clarke      Thomburg J F .......  Garman         
Hagerty John .......  Camp Clarke      Thomburg R .........  Garman         
Hague A ............  Cyrus            Thompson Aug .......  Potter         
Haister Geo W ......  Sidney           Thompson C D .......  Potter         
Haiston J B ........  Ickes            Thompson J C .......  Sidney         
Hale L H ...........  Sidney           Thompson J W .......  Cyrus          
Hale William .......  Lodge Pole       Thompson L .........  Bronson        
Hall J E ...........  Midway           Thompson R .........  Redington      
Hall Wm ............  Redington        Thompson T .........  Weyerts        
Hallewill A R ......  Sidney           Thomson C ..........  Potter         
Hamolka Jas ........  Colton           Thomson W C ........  Camp Clarke    
Hand W B ...........  Ickes            Thurston N .........  Potter         
Hanna Jno ..........  Camp Clarke      Tobin M H ..........  Lodge Pole     
Hannah Bros ........  Weyerts          Torey Milo .........  Potter         
Hanson A ...........  Midway           Tracy Henry ........  Cyrus          
Harnby R ...........  Lodge Pole       Trampe Carl ........  Weyerts        
Harmes John ........  Ickes            Trampe Fred ........  Sidney         
Harold J W .........  Ickes            Travers Henry ......  Colton         
Harper Grant .......  Bronson          Treat A M ..........  Lodge Pole     
Harper J W .........  Bronson          Treat J G ..........  Lodge Pole     
Harris J W .........  Weyerts          Treeman W B ........  Bronson        
Harter Silas .......  Sidney           Treemen Nick .......  Garman         
Hartman I ..........  Bronson          Treener M ..........  Garman         
Hascall W S ........  Redington        Treman T M .........  Ickes          
Hasken A J .........  Sidney           Tressel Jno ........  Colton         
Hautley H A ........  Sidney           Tressel J W ........  Sidney         
Haxley Geo H .......  Midway           Trumer J E .........  Midway         
Haynes W ...........  Haynes           Tumbulson S C ......  Lodge Pole     
Hays F D ...........  Redington        Tusler E C .........  Midway         
Hays I .............  Redington        Tusler R ...........  Bronson        
Hebert Joseph ......  Sidney           Twist J B ..........  Midway         
Hebler W A .........  Weyerts                           
Hedge Geo ..........  Weyerts          Uebach M ...........  Bronson        
Hedges S J .........  Sidney           Ullery Jacob .......  Garman         
Helderbrandt J .....  Lodge Pole       Ullery W S .........  Garman         
Helmriech C ........  Sidney           Unger F W ..........  Weyerts        
Henbeck Geo ........  Lodge Pole       Uopat Frank ........  Redington      
Henbeck M ..........  Lodge Pole       Upham I Y ..........  Colton         
Hendrick L P .......  Redington        Upton L ............  Potter         
Hendrickson A F ....  Midway                            
Henlin A ...........  Bayard           Vacik James ........  Colton         
Henlin Geo .........  Redington        Vacika James .......  Colton         
Hennen Jno .........  Potter           Vaclav Libefact ....  Lodge Pole     
Henrichs Gerd ......  Weyerts          Vanatta W H ........  Bayard         
Henrichs H A .......  Sidney           Vanbroskirk J R ....  Cyrus          
Henrichs H .........  Weyerts          Vance R E ..........  Redington      
Henry H ............  Potter           Vangorder P E ......  Camp Clarke    
Henry R ............  Midway           Van Gorder W J .....  Midway         
Henry Raymond ......  Sidney           Van Olinda O T .....  Potter         
Henzl Ansor ........  Lodge Pole       Vanstadt Christ ....  Colton         
Henzen Hey D .......  Lodge Pole       Vaughan Joe ........  Cyrus          
Heolin S J .........  Redington        Veck Henry .........  Sidney         
Herboldshiner D ....  Bronson          Veck Jno ...........  Sidney         
Hermann H H ........  Potter           Vencinct F J .......  Colton         
Herman H H .........  Colton           Vercera Jas ........  Colton         
Hickman A ..........  Bronson          Verner Vaclav ......  Lodge Pole     
Hickman S W ........  Cyrus            Vernon C ...........  Bronson        
Higgans A P ........  Lodge Pole       Vinten J O .........  Bronson        
Higgans T J ........  Ickes            Volna Ignatz .......  Lodge Pole     
Hippen H H .........  Lodge Pole       Vivian R ...........  Camp Clarke    
Hoagland P .........  Lodge Pole                        
Hobbs A F ..........  Midway           Wade P C ...........  Colton         
Hoffmeyer Cahs .....  Sydney           Wagner A A .........  Redington      
Hoffhine C .........  Lodge Pole       Wagner B W .........  Redington      
Hoffman A L ........  Ickes            Wagner J D .........  Redington      
Hoffman O G ........  Ickes            Wagner U E .........  Redington      
Hogberg Swan .......  Ickes            Wagner W A .........  Redington      
Hoke T A ...........  Sidney           Wahl John ..........  Sidney         
Holland  C B .......  Bronson          Waite J J ..........  Lodge Pole     
Holland J ..........  Bronson          Waite William ......  Lodge Pole     
Holland Ira J ......  Bronson          Waitman P P ........  Redington      
Holloway F M .......  Cyrus            Wall Ben J .........  Bayard         
Holloway J F .......  Midway           Wallace T J ........  Cyrus          
Holloway J L C .....  Midway           Walsh Dennis .......  Wellsville     
Holloway J N .......  Midway           Walsh Ed ...........  Ickes          
Holloway J P .......  Midway           Walsh James ........  Wellsville     
Hollenbeck K H B ...  Lodge Pole       Walsh Pat J ........  Bronson        
Holmes A ...........  Wyerts           Walsh Robert .......  Wellsville     
Holmes Alfred ......  Lodge Pole       Waltz J 0 ..........  Garman         
Holmes Wm ..........  Lodge Pole       Ware J F ...........  Sidney         
Houg Andrew ........  Potter           Ware M A ...........  Weyerts        
Hoaks Aaron ........  Haynes           Warner C A .........  Bronson        
Hoppin L ...........  Redington        Warren Prince ......  Potter         
Horider Geo ........  Lodge Pole       Wasem Louis ........  Sidney         
Hottendorf Geo .....  Lodge Pole       Washburn M E .......  Sidney         
Hotzel John ........  Potter           Walkins Catherine ..  Garman         
Howard Alice .......  Sidney           Watkins Emery ......  Garman         
Howard W S .........  Sidney           Watkins P ..........  Wellsville     
Hower Chas S .......  Sidney           Weakely H E ........  Midway         
Hubbard D W ........  Bayard           Weamers Menka ......  Weyerts        
Huckleberry J ......  Bronson          Webb A W ...........  sidney         
Hudhes M J .........  Midway           Webster J ..........  Camp Clark     
Hudkins Jess .......  Haynes           Webster J U ........  Redington      
Hughes J K .........  Cyrus            Webster M P ........  Camp Clarke    
Huls Jacob .........  Sidney           Weim V .............  Redington      
Hulse A J ..........  Potter           Weirup G ...........  Lodge Pole     
Hurr F J ...........  Ickes            Wellard W M ........  Midway         
Hutchinson H G .....  Sidney           Wellner B ..........  Ickes          
Hutchinson Joab ....  Sidney           Wellner G ..........  Ickes          
Hutchinson J S .....  Midway           Wells E A ..........  Wellsville     
Hutts Danl .........  Bayard           Wells U W ..........  Haynes         
Hynek P ............  Potter           Westegard M ........  Sidney         
                                       Westfall W A .......  Lodge Pole     
Iceburg A W ........  Potter           Weston John ........  Sidney         
Ickes Adam .........  Potter           Wetterich F' .......  Sidney         
Ickes & Barr .......  Redington        Weyers Jurgen ......  Weyerts        
Ickes Jno E ........  Colton           Weyerts Chris ......  Sidney         
Ikenberry J E ......  Potter           Weyerts C M ........  Lodge Pole     
Ismhood S E ........  Sidney           Weyerts T ..........  Lodge Pole     
Ives W H ...........  Camp Clarke      Wheeler Chas .......  Redington      
                                       Wheeler J W ........  Bronson        
Jacobson A E .......  Potter           Whipple C H ........  Redington      
Jacobson N .........  Potter           Whitlow Geo R ......  Colton         
Jaldin W ...........  Sidney           Whitlow W H ........  Colton         
James O M ..........  Weyerts          Whitney W T ........  Colton         
Janes N E ..........  Icker            Whitton C E ........  Haynes         
Janes R ............  Sidney           Whitton S ..........  Haynes         
Janes W E ..........  Bayard           Wickard J T ........  Sidney         
Jansen Hans ........  Bronson          Wiedburg Herman ....  Colton         
Jemk Jas ...........  Lodge Pole       Wilcox F A .........  Sidney         
Jemk Jas jr ........  Lodge Pole       Wiley J S ..........  Bayard         
Jemk John ..........  Lodge Pole       Wilk Geo ...........  Lodge Pole     
Jenkins L ..........  Lodge Pole       Wilkins J ..........  Camp Clarke    
Jespersen Jens .....  Potter           Williams A .........  Sidney         
Jessen A ...........  Redington        Williams C R .......  Lodge Pole     
Jessen Lorenzo .....  Sidney           Williams Jas .......  Sidney         
Johnson Alfred .....  Weyerts          Williams Jas .......  Bayard         
Johnson Arte .......  Bronson          Williams J B .......  Sidney         
Johnson A W ........  Redington        Williams J H .......  Sidney         
Johnson Chas .......  Lodge Pole       Williams Karl ......  Sidney         
Johnson Chas J .....  Ickes            Williams S .........  Sidney         
Johnson Chas O .....  Ickes            Williams Wm ........  Lodge Pole     
Johnson Christ .....  Bronson          Willis Jos .........  Potter         
Johnson E ..........  Colton           Wilson Jas .........  Haynes         
Johnson A W ........  Potter           Wilson J ...........  Bayard         
Johnson John .......  Potter           Wilson Jas H .......  Ickes          
Johnson Jno T ......  Bronson          Wilson J H .........  Sidney         
Johnson J P ........  Ickes            Wilson N ...........  Sidney         
Johnson Julius .....  Weyerts          Wilson W H .........  Sidney         
Johnson Lewis ......  Lodge Pole       Windsheimer M ......  Lodge Pole     
Johnson Maus .......  Colton           Winter Chas ........  Lodge Pole     
Johnson Nels .......  Colton           Winter Gustav ......  Lodge Pole     
Johnson Nels P .....  Colton           Winter Thos ........  Bayard         
Johnson R F ........  Cyrus            Wire V E ...........  Midway         
Johnston A C .......  Weyerts          Wisner F 0 .........  Bayard         
Johnston H .........  Camp Clarke      Witters Simon P ....  Colton         
Johnston James .....  Sidney           Wittig Fred ........  Sidney         
Johnston J D .......  Bronson          Wolf Geo J .........  Colton         
Johnston T A .......  Sidney           Wolf John ..........  Bronson        
Johnston W .........  Bayard           Wolfe Frank ........  Bronson        
Jones B A ..........  Sidney           Wolfe J C ..........  Lodge Pole     
Jones S P ..........  Weyerts          Wolford H ..........  Weyerts        
Jones T A ..........  Colton           Wolford J H ........  Sidney         
Judd E W ...........  Redington        Walken J D .........  Sidney         
Judd S H ...........  Redington        Wood W A ...........  Sidney         
Judd Thomas ........  Potter           Wood W W ...........  Midway         
Judge S J ..........  Cyrus            Wood W P ...........  Sidney         
Jurgen Ben .........  Weyerts          Wood W R ...........  Sidney         
                                       Woodman A L ........  Sidney         
Kahman Jno .........  Weyerts          Worden Jas .........  Sidney         
Kahman R ...........  Weyerts          Wright J D .........  Haynes         
Kane Thos ..........  Bronson          Wulenman H .........  Sidney         
Kappler Paul .......  Colton           Wuner Elias ........  Ickes          
Kaser Jno S ........  Bronson          Wyman A ............  Weyerts        
Kaufman Jacob ......  Garman           Wynn Robt ..........  Colton         
Kellams C D ........  Colton                            
Keller D W .........  Cyrus            Yartetz E L ........  Lodge Polo     
Keiser A J .........  Ickes            Yelton E A .........  Weyerts        
Keister H L ........  Bayard           Young J R ..........  Lodge Pole     
Keith James H ......  Bayard           Younglund A ........  Colton         
Kelly Daniel .......  Garmun                            
Kelly Jas ..........  Bronson          Zable John .........  Ickes          
Kellering M A ......  Sidney           Zalesky F ..........  Lodge Pole     
Kent M L ...........  Bayard           Ziller Christ ......  Midway         
Kiesacker Geo ......  Sidney           Zieber Rachel ......  Colton         
Kidney Robt ........  Lodge Pole       Ziegler Willie .....  Sidney         
Kidney Wm ..........  Lodge Pole       Zook Joe ...........  Sidney         
King Frank .........  Camp Clarke      Zimmerman E M ......  Colton         
Kimble B F .........  Potter           Zimmerman Jas ......  Colton         
Kirk M .............  Redington        Zimmerman J A ......  Sidney         
Klassert H .........  Redington        Zimmerman J S ......  Colton         

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